Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, Govt of AP, has been serving the people of Andhra Pradesh, through 15004 subcenters, 1787 PHC/UPHC's, 174 CHC’s, 54 Aera Hospitals, 9 District Hospitals and 21 Teaching Hospitals. Broadly there are 3 categories of services – Primary Health, Secondary Health and Tertiary Health & Medical Education.
ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist. is selected from the village itself and will be trained to work as an interface between the community and the public health system.
Child Health & Immunization
With a target of more than 95% full immunization to reduce the IMR, Child Health and Immunization strives to contributing in reduction of IMR.
RashtriyaBal Swasthya Karyakram
With the single pointed objective of early identification and therefore early intervention for children from Birth to 18 years to cover 4 'D's viz.
Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram
Adolescence is the most important stage of the life cycle for health interventions. Addressing adolescent health needs would obviate several reproductive, maternal and child health challenges
Fine tuning the health policy formulations and interventions based on continuous monitoring and evaluating of the health programmes
With a vision of achieving a "TB free Andhra Pradesh" to contribute to "TB Free India", the state run TB control initiatve of GoI aims to achieve Universal Access to TB control services
"Leprosy eradication is not merely medical relief, it is transforming frustration of life into joy of dedication, personal ambition into selfless service" - Mahatma Gandhi
With the goal to reduce the prevalence of blindness to 0.3% by 2020 NPCB works relentlessly identifying and treating the blind
Maternal Health
With the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery among poor pregnant women.
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
Iodine is an essential micro nutrient. It is required at 100-150 micrograms daily for normal human growth and development.
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Fluorosis
To address the problem of fluorosis, mainly due to intake of high fluoride through drinking water, the NPPCF was initiated in 2008-09 during 11th Five Year Plan
National Programme For Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke
NPCDCS strives to prevent and control Non Communicable Diseases NCDs
National Programme for Healthcare of Elderly
Catering to the elderly population wherein the health system gears itself to growing health needs of the elderly
National Tobacco Control Program
Inform,Educate and Communicate the harmful effects of tobacco consumption
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
Works with a single point agenda of prevention and control of vector borne diseases i.e. Malaria, Dengue, Lymphatic Filariasis, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis and Chikungunya
e-Aushadhi deals with the management of stocks of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses of the state.
Tablet version of RCH portal
The Government has provided 15000 Tablet PCs to all the Front line Health workers i.e., ANMs, (first and second ANMs) and their supervisory officers.
Andhra Pradesh Government endeavors to provide Free Essential Laboratory Investigations to all the patients visiting public Health Facilities
Andhra Pradesh Government endeavors to provide Free Radiology Services to all the patients visiting and prescribed by a doctor in all the CHCs, Area and District Hospitals
Andhra Pradesh Government has taken initiative steps for maintenance of equipment across District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, CHCs, and PHCs with NHM support
Providing referral transport to the pregnant women is one of the interventions for reduction of Maternal Mortality Ratio
The Govt of AP has formulated and approved the Scientific Sanitation Policy-2015 for better implementation of sanitation in Government hospitals. Under the new policy Sanitation, Security, Pest & Rodent control services would be implemented effectively to create a visible impact in maintaining sanitation to the satisfaction of the patients.
Special Chief Secretary to Govt., Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept. 5th Block,Ground Floor,Room No:157, A.P Secretariat,Velagapudi, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh.