The Drugs Control Administration at the time of inception in the year 1952 was functioning in the Directorate of medical services. The first basic level functionaries sanctioned to this Department were four Drugs Inspectors for implementation of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules made there under (formerly called as The Drugs Act, 1940 and The Drugs Rules 1945) in the erstwhile Andhra State for implementation in Andhra area only. After the formation of separate Andhra Pradesh State in the year 1956 four more Drugs Inspectors were appointed and implementation of this Statute was extended to Telangana Area also.
Subsequently, Drugs Control Administration was also entrusted with the enforcement of Prevention of Food Adulteration Act and the Head of the Department was designated as Drugs Controller and Food Health Authority. In the year 1981 the Department of Drugs Control Administration was accorded independent status with a separate Directorate headed by a Director functioning under the Ministry of Medical and Health, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The main objective of Drugs Control Administration is to ensure that the drugs that are made available to the people, who use them for prevention, mitigation or treatment of diseases are of the required standards of quality, purity and strength and are packed in containers giving all necessary information about the drug and its manufacturer, Drugs Control Administration regulates the manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs in the State.
Drugs Control Administration Implements the following Acts in the state of Andhra Pradesh: