Hospital Sanitation Monitoring System
The Govt of AP has formulated and approved the Scientific Sanitation Policy-2015 for better implementation of sanitation in Government hospitals. Under the new policy Sanitation, Security, Pest & Rodent control services would be implemented effectively to create a visible impact in maintaining sanitation to the satisfaction of the patients. Maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness of health facilities was found to be not only related to aesthetics and patient satisfaction but also as an essential step that reduces the incidence of Hospital Acquired (Nosocomial) infections.
The new policy document lays down service standards of sanitation for different areas in a hospital .As per ‘Swattchata guidelines for public health facilities’ issued by the Union Ministry of Health, Medical and Family Welfare, Govt of INDIA. A State-level committee headed by Principal Secretary to the Government HM&FW department, Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare ,Director SPIU ,Director of Medical Education, Commissioner of APVVP and Managing Director, APMSIDC, as members will monitor implementation of the new policy. Scientific Sanitation Policy-2015 would be effectively implemented in institutions under Directorate of Medical Education (all teaching hospitals, specialty hospitals and medical colleges, including hostels) and hospitals under Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (all district hospitals, areas hospitals, and major community health centres with high-patient load) Scientific Sanitation Policy-2015 embarks institutions/ government hospitals to institutionalise the processes for cleanliness so that the movement is sustained as a habit.
Hospital Sanitation Monitoring System
HSMS Application is designed & Developed by Andhra Pradesh Quality Assurance Division is meant for improving efficiency and efficacy there by creating a functional relationship between subjectivity and objectivity, there are monitoring items defined under the Proposed HSMS Application. The monitoring items have been grouped within the ten parameters according to the Weightage. Each monitoring items further has specific measurable elements. These measurable elements are checked in each department of a health facility through specific checkpoints. All Checkpoints for monitoring items are collated, and together they form assessment tool called ‘Checklist’. Scored/ filled-in Checklists would generate scores reflecting percentage of performance along with hospital average score of (Sanitation, Security, P&R control). It’s an online portal wherein each facility under Scientific Sanitation Policy-2015 should perform assessment and update three times in a day by Medical Superintendent, RMO and
Hospital Administrator/Nursing Superintendent/Head Nurse .Scores entered by Facilities will be reflected on the CM COREDASH BOARD. l HSMS Application is integrated with CCTV Linkage for an effective monitoring of hospital premises from CHFW.