To achieve more than 95% coverage of "Full Immunization" to all infants in the state of Andhra Pradesh, thereby contributing in reduction of IMR
By developing Robust Micro Plans, Supportive Supervision, Monitoring with Corrective steps and regular critical review
Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators: 'Full Immunization coverage 'against ELA', Zero Dose Administration (Hep B) to all Institution delivered babies, Drop out from 'Penta 1 to Penta 3' and 'Complete Immunization' coverage
New Born Care Corners
- To treat newborn in labor room and Operation theatre, soon after delivery
- To offer resuscitative newborn care to all sick newborn at the time of birth
- To run 24/7 round the clock outpatient services by a trained doctor and nurse, for all ailments in a newborn
- Provide sophisticated equipment for care of newborn at birth
- Enable availability of warmth and resuscitation for need of every baby born at a delivery point
Program Details
- Andhra Pradesh has 789 NBCCs across the state, at every delivery point, from PHC till medical college
- These NBCCs care for conditions like hypothermia, birth asphyxia etc
Key Performance Indicators
- Rate of utilization of NBCC
New Born Stabilization Units
- To treat sick newborn weighing more than 1800gm, in health facility
- To offer facility based newborn care to all sick and small newborn
- To run 24/7 round the clock outpatient services by a trained doctor and nurse, for all ailments in a newborn
- Provide state of art physical infrastructure and sophisticated equipment for care of newborn
- Enable availability of adequate trained doctors and nurses to treat newborn
Program Details
- Andhra Pradesh has 95 NBSUs across the state, at Area hospitals and CHCs. Each NBSU has around 800sqft plinth area with 4 beds. There is availability of a doctor on call and 3 staff nurses, to provide essential newborn care
- These NBSUs care for conditions like hypothermia, neonatal sepsis, neonatal jaundice etc
Key Performance Indicators
- Bed occupancy rate of NBSU
- Institutional mortality rate
Special Newborn Care Units
- To treat sick newborn in health facility
- To offer facility based newborn care to all sick and small newborn
- To run 24/7 round the clock outpatient services by a trained doctor and nurse, for all ailments in a newborn which includes Follow up of SNCU discharged newborn
- Provide state of art physical infrastructure and sophisticated equipment for care of newborn
- Enable availability of adequate trained doctors and nurses to treat newborn
Program Details
- Andhra Pradesh has 26 SNCUs across the state, at medical colleges, district hospitals and some Area hospitals especially tribal areas. Each SNCU has around 3000sqft plinth area with 20 beds. There are 4 doctors and 14 staff nurses, to provide round the clock newborn care
- These SNCUs care for conditions like respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal sepsis, birth asphyxia, neonatal jaundice etc
Key Performance Indicators
- Bed occupancy rate of SNCU
- Institutional mortality rate
- Mortality of newborn above 1800gm
- Facility Follow up rate
Infant Young Child Feeding
Supervision and monitoring is crucial for success of IYCF practices, Breast feeding week celebration.
Conducting monitoring of IYCF practices and thereby improve their performance, training to field level functionaries to improve IYCF deliverables, organize important events to improve visibility.
Program Details
To monitor the use of IEC/BCC material and counseling skills of field functionaries and supervisory staff during Home visits and provide hand holding support for the identified gaps on the specialized skills of breast feeding counseling. 2. Data based reviews and action plan preparation for the identified gaps to ensure Infant and young child feeding practices. To build the capacities of PHCs and SCs ANMs and supervisory staff on Infant and Young Child feeding practices and counseling on the same with the use of IEC/BCC material to counsel the mothers / care givers on IYCF effectively.
Key Performance Indicators
- Capacity building events planned vs conducted for IYCF to field level functionaries.
- Conducted events as per planned and sanctioned in ROP.
Bi-annual Vitamin - A Campaign
- For prevention of Nutritional Blindness
- To reduce the morbidity below the age of 5 yrs - by reducing the Respiratory and Gastro intestinal infections
Bi - annual administration of Vitamin - A from 9 months to 5 years of age
Program Details
- List out all children 9-12 months of age and administer first dose of 1 ml per child.
- List out all children 12-59 months of age and administer second to fifth dose as appropriate of 2 ml per child.
- Administration by ASHA, ANM & AWW and close monitoring by supervisory cadre.
- Ensure maximum coverage without any left outs and dropouts.
Key Performance Indicators
Percentage of coverage of Vitamin A supplementation vs total children in the State between the age 9-59 months.
Iron Syrup Supplementation
Prevention of Nutritional anaemia in children between the age group 6 to 60 months
- Bi - weekly administration - on Wednesdays & Saturdays - for normal children.
- Mild & moderate anaemia - daily administration.
- Severe anaemia - refer to tertiary care hospitals.
Program Details
- Administration of 1 ml of Iron syrup by ASHA, ANM & AWW and close monitoring by supervisory cadre.
- Monthly reporting on performance .
Key Performance Indicators
- Percentage of Children covered vs actual number of children.
- Iron compliance card is incorporated into the MCP card.
Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres
Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres:
- To provide clinical management and reduce mortality among children with severe acute malnutrition, particularly among those with medical complications.
- To promote physical and psychosocial growth of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
- To build the capacity of mothers and other care givers in appropriate feeding and caring practices for infants and young children.
- To identify the social factors that contributed to the child slipping into severe acute malnutrition.
- Programmatically, it is helpful to categorise children with SAM into 'complicated and uncomplicated' cases based on clinical criteria as: Facility/hospital-based care for children with SAM and medical complications.
- Home/community-based care for children with SAM but without medical complications
Program Details
The services and care provided for the in-patient management of SAM children include:
- 24 hour care and monitoring of the child.
- Treatment of medical complications.
- Facility Based Management of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition.
- Therapeutic feeding.
- Providing sensory stimulation and emotional care.
- Social assessment of the family to identify and address contributing factors.
- Counselling on appropriate feeding, care and hygiene.
- Demonstration and practice- by -doing on the preparation of energy dense child foods using locally available, culturally acceptable and affordable food items.
- Follow up of children discharged from the facility.
Key Performance Indicators
Number of NRCs, Admissions, Gender disaggregated, referred by frontline worker/Self/ Paediatric ward or emergency, Bed occupancy rate, Average length of stay in the NRC, Weight gain during stay in the NRC, Rate of referral to higher facility, Case fatality rate, Defaulter rate, Relapse rate, Non- responders, Death rate following discharge from NRC