Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)
Vision : A World Free Of Tuberculosis (TB) - Zero deaths, disease & suffering due to TB
Goal : End the Global TB Epidemic
National Strategic Plan (2012-17)
Early detection and treatment of at least 90% of estimated all type of TB cases in the community, including Drug resistant and HIV associated TB.
Successful treatment of at least 90% of new TB patients, and at least 85% of previously-treated TB Patients.
Reduction in default rate of new TB cases to less than 5% and re-treatment TB cases to less than 0%.
Initial screening of all re-treatment smear-positive till 2015 and all Smear positive TB patients by year 2017 for drug-resistant TB and provision of treatment services for MDR-TB patients.
Offer of HIV Counselling and testing for all TB patients and linking HIV-infected TB patients to HIV care and support.
Extend RNTCP services to patients diagnosed and treated in the private sector.