National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
Leprosy is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium leprae which spreads from an untreated case of multi-bacillary leprosy (severe form) to others through drop-let (air-borne) whenever a person with multi-bacillary leprosy coughs are sneezes.

  • Elimination of leprosy i.e. prevalence of less than 1 case per 10,000 population in all districts of the country.
  • Strengthen Disability Prevention & Medical Rehabilitation of persons affected by leprosy.
  • Reduction in the level of stigma associated with leprosy.

Programme Strategy
To achieve the objectives of the plan, the main strategies to be followed are
  • Integrated leprosy services through General Health Care system.
  • Early detection & complete treatment of new leprosy cases.
  • Carrying out house hold contact survey for early detection of cases.
  • Involvement of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) in the detection & completion of treatment of Leprosy cases on time.
  • Strengthening of Disability Prevention & Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR) services.
  • Information, Education & Communication (IEC) activities in the community to improve self-reporting to Primary Health Centre (PHC) and reduction of stigma.
  • Intensive monitoring and supervision at block Primary Health Centre/Community Health centre

Program Details

Leprosy is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium leprae which spreads from an untreated case of multi-bacillary leprosy (severe form) to others through drop-let (air-borne) whenever a person with multi-bacillary leprosy coughs are sneezes.

It destroys the peripheral nerves so there will be skin patches with loss of skin sensation and it can even lead to muscle paralysis of the hands, feet, face including eye lids.

Leprosy if left untreated will cause deformity of the face, hands and feet.

Leprosy can be easily diagnosed by examining the skin sensation, muscle functioning and through microscopic examination of the skin scrapings, where the lepra bacilli is demonstrated in severe cases.

Leprosy is treated by multi drug therapy for a duration of 6 to 12 months. The diagnosis and treatment of leprosy is made available in all the Government Health centres and it is free of cost.

The affected persons with leprosy who are having deformed hands, feet/legs etc in the early stages can undergo Re-constructive surgery and deformity corrected.

Welfare activities for the persons affected by leprosy
  • Provision of Microcellular rubber foot wear for those who have no sensation on the sole of their feet
  • Provision of disability pension of Rs.1500/- for eligible persons
  • Anthyodaya cards-monthly ration of rice is provided
  • Railway free travel pass
  • Travel concessions pass on RTC buses

Incentive of Rs.8000/- for those undergoing re-constructive surgery

IEC material

Posters and pamphlets and booklets are printed and distributed to all the districts to create awareness in the community.

Key Performance Indicators
  • Annual New case detection rate per 1,00,000 population.
  • Prevalence rate per 10,000 population .
  • Proportion of grade 2 disability (Visible deformity) among the new cases.
  • Proportion of child cases among the new cases.
  • Proportion of Multi-bacillary cases among the new cases.
  • Proportion of female cases among the new cases.
  • New child case detection rate per 1,00,000 population.
  • SC case detection rate per 1,00,000 population.
  • ST case detection rate per 1,00,000 population
Social Presence
Queries? Call or Email Us

Contact Information

Special Chief Secretary to Govt.,
Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept.
5th Block,Ground Floor,Room No:157,
A.P Secretariat,Velagapudi,
Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh.