The main objective of this programme is an important initiative aiming at early identification and early intervention for children from Birth to 18 years to cover 4 'D's viz.
In the state of Andhra Pradesh, the need for ensuring a healthy and dynamic future for a large populace and creating a developed society, agile and able to compete with the rest of the world, stands as of paramount importance.
The dream of such a healthy and developed society can be achieved through concerted efforts and initiatives undertaken in a systematic manner at all levels. Equitable child health, care and early detection and treatment can be the most pragmatic initiative, or rather solution, at this juncture!
The 'Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services' Programme under National Rural Health Mission initiated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, therefore, aims at early detection and management of the 4Ds prevalent in children. These are
Health screening of children is a known intervention under the School Health Programme. It is now being expanded to cover all children from birth to 18 years of age. The Programme has been initiated as significant progress has already been made in reducing child mortality under the National Rural Health Mission. However, further gains can be achieved by early detection and management of conditions in all age groups.
The 'Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services' will also translate into economic benefits in the long run. Timely intervention would not only arrest halt the condition before it deteriorates but would also reduce the out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure of the poor and the marginalized population in the country. Additionally, the Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services will also provide country-wide epidemiological Data on the 4 Ds (i.e., Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiencies and Developmental Delays including Disabilities). Such a data is expected to hold relevance for future planning of area specific services.
1. Neural tube defect 2. Down's Syndrome 3. CleftLip&Palate/Cleftpalatealone 4. Talipes (Club foot) 5. Developmental Dysplasia of Hip |
6. Congenital Cataract 7. Congenital Deafness 8. Congenital Heart Disease 9. Retinopathy of Prematurity |
10.AnaemiaespeciallySevere anaemia 11. Vitamin A deficiency (Bitotspot) 12. Vitamin D Deficiency(Rickets) |
13. Severe Acute Malnutrition. 14. Goiter |
15. Skin Conditions (Scabies, fungal infection and Eczema) 16. OtitisMedia 17. Rheumatic heart disease |
18. Reactive airway disease 19.Dental caries 20. Convulsive Disorder |
21. Vision Impairment 22. Hearing Impairment 23. Neuro-motor Impairment 24. Motor delay 25. Cognitive delay |
26. Language delay 27. Behaviour (Autism) 28. Learning disorder 29. Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder 30. Thalassemia |