Iodine Deficiency Disorders are a worldwide major public health problem. These affect a large segment of populations in all continents of our planet and have been with us from generation. As per information available, more than 1.5 billion people all over the world are at risk of IDD.
The Programme functions under the Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, who is the HOD. The NVBDCP wing is headed by an Additional Director who is also known as State Programme Officer, NVBDCP. This wing deals with 6 diseases namely Malaria, Dengue ,Chikungunya ,Japnese Encephalitis ,Filariasis and Kala azar. However the Kalaazar is not found in Andhra Pradesh. The state is Endemic for all other five Diseases which are mainly transmitted through the different Mosquito Species, in addition the new diseases which are mosquito borne are also being taken care by the department like Zica virus disease.
The programme is implemented through Primary Health Centers. At District level District Malaria Officer is the Programme Officer who is working under the administrative and technical control of the DM&HO. He is responsible for Surveillance, Treatment and Vector Control Operations. He will coordinate with the SPHOs and Medical Officers in implementing the programme. Sends the reports and returns to the Additional Director (Malaria & Filaria) regularly marking a copy to the Director, NVBDCP, Delhi.
DMO is totally responsible for planning the Vector control Measures in coordination with the Medical Officers and under the guidance of DM&HO.
ABER - Total No. persons blood smears tested for Malaria in a year (Active/passive)
Slide Positivity Rate - Blood smears tests Conducted @100 persons in a given population at a given time
API - Annual Parasite Incidence (Malaria Cases reported @1000 Population.)
Vector density - Malaria Primary Vector densities Per Man hour/10 Man hour
Mortality - Confirmed deaths due to Malaria.
Samples Tested - Total Number of Persons Sera tested for Dengue by Health workers or Hospitals.
Sample Rate - Samples collected for Dengue @100 Population.
Dengue Morbidity - Total Number Confirmed for Dengue virus.
Morbidity Rate - Dengue virus Confirmed Cases reported @100 Population
Vector Density - Dengue vector Densities (Aedes eagypti)
Larval density - House Index/Container Index/Breateau Index
Mortality - Confirmed deaths due to Dengue.
Sampes Tested - Total Number of Persons Sera tested for Chikungunya Virus by Health workers or Hospitals.
Sample Rate - Samples collected for Chikungunya @100 Population
Chikungunya Morbidity - Total Number Confirmed for Chikungunya
Vector Density - Chikungunya vector Densities
Larval density - House Index/Container Index/Breteau Index