Maternal Health Program
Maternal Mortality Ratio: Andhra Pradesh's MMR at 92 (SRS 2011-13) has improved significantly from 110 (SRS 2007-09)

Under the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), the global target is to end all preventable maternal deaths and reduce the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to70 by 2030. As per RGI-SRS, 2011-13 the MMR for State of Andhra Pradesh is currently reported at 92, and the State aims to reduce the MMR to 70 by end of 2016.


  1. Identification of High Risk in Pregnant women during antenatal registrations and subsequent checkups by the MO.
  2. Effective coverage and online monitoring using tablet PCs for Antenatal registration, Public Institutional Deliveries and Postnatal visits
  3. Strengthening of Delivery points: Improvement of labor rooms in high delivery load facilities and in remote areas
    • Rational positioning of Specialists in the referral hospitals (FRUs).
    • Ensuring referral transport (108 & Talli bida Express) is made available to Pregnant women, Mothers and Infants.
    • Creation of additional blood banks and blood storage centers at FRUs
    • 12 Exclusive Maternal & Child Hospitals (100-150 bedded) are planned in at the District level
    • Improving the quality of care during delivery by ensuring the use of Safe Childbirth Checklists (SCC) and Partographs.
    • Skill Labs will be established to strengthen the maternal health trainings.
    • Refurbishment of Labor rooms is sanctioned in 129 locations identified as Delivery points in 24 * 7 Institutions under 13th finance & NABARD and the LDR concept will be incorporated in them.

Program Details

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in April 2005 by modifying the National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS). This scheme is implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery among poor pregnant women. Under the scheme Rs. 700 to rural BPL pregnant women, Rs.600 to urban BPL pregnant women is being paid at the time of delivery (within 48 hours of the delivery) & Rs. 500 to BPL pregnant women for having home delivery. In addition to JSY amount State government is also providing Rs. 300 to rural BPL pregnant women under Sukhibhava Scheme.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK)

Government of India has launched Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) on 1st June, 2011, which entitles all pregnant women delivering in public health institutions to absolutely free and no expense for delivery including Caesarean section. The initiative stipulates free drugs, diagnostics, blood and diet, besides free transport from home to institution, between facilities in case of a referral and drop back home. Similar entitlements have been put in place for all sick newborns accessing public health institutions for treatment till 30 days after birth. In 2013 this has been expanded to Sick infants and antenatal and postnatal complications.

Maternal Death Review

All the States & Union Territories have identified DPs above a certain minimum benchmark of performance to prioritize and direct resources in a focused manner to these facilities for filling the gaps like trained and skilled human resources, infrastructure, equipments, drugs and supplies, referral transport etc. for providing quality & comprehensive RMNCH (Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health) services.

Delivery Points (DPs)

All the States & Union Territories have identified DPs above a certain minimum benchmark of performance to prioritize and direct resources in a focused manner to these facilities for filling the gaps like trained and skilled human resources, infrastructure, equipment, drugs and supplies, referral transport etc. for providing quality & comprehensive RMNCH (Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health) services.

Web Enabled Mother and Child Tracking System

Name Based Tracking of Pregnant Women and Children has been initiated by Government of India as a policy decision to track every pregnant woman, infant & child up to 3yrs, by name for provision of timely ANC, Institutional Delivery, and PNC along-with immunization & other related services.

Mother and Child Protection Card

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry of Women and Child Development (MOWCD) has been launched as a tool for documenting and monitoring services for antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care to pregnant women, immunization and growth monitoring of infants.

Tracking of severe Anaemia during pregnancy & child birth by SCs and PHCs:

Severe anemia is a major cause for pregnancy related complications that may lead to maternal deaths. Effective monitoring of these cases by the ANM as well as the Medical Officer in charge of PHC has been started to line list these cases and provide necessary treatment.

Technical Guidelines & Service Delivery Posters:


Total Maternal Deaths reported in the District:



Number of Maternal Deaths reviewed during the reporting month by District MDR Committee of CMO



Number and percentage of Maternal Deaths not reviewed by District MDR Committee of CMO



Number of Maternal Deaths reviewed during the reporting period by District Magistrate



Causes of MDs (Number and percentage) for the reporting month
















Obstructed Labour




Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy*




Others **




Total ***





No of MDs expected for the state for one year based on MMR

No of MDs not reported

Percentage of MDs not reported out of the numbers expected during the year


Number & percentage of Maternal Deaths not reported for the year




GoI has developed & disseminated standard technical guidelines & service delivery posters for standardizing the quality of service delivery during ANC, INC, PNC, etc from tertiary to primary level of institutions

Key Performance Indicators




Total no. of designated FRUs



No. of FRUs Functional



Total No. of Deliveries



No. of Institutional Deliveries



No. of public institutional deliveries



No. of C-sections carried out in Public Health Institutions



Total Public Health Institutions



Services provided 24*7 (Delivery Care)



Available number of OBG/EmOC



Available number of Paediatrician



Available number of Anaesthetist/LSAS



Available number of BEmOC trained Medical Officers



Available number of SBA trained Staff nurses in DPs



24*7 referral services (yes/no)



Functional Blood storage Unit/Blood bank of the total FRUs



Deliveries conducted by trained and skilled personnel



Social Presence
Queries? Call or Email Us

Contact Information

Special Chief Secretary to Govt.,
Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept.
5th Block,Ground Floor,Room No:157,
A.P Secretariat,Velagapudi,
Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh.